The communication's field is adapting itself to the digital stage and copy editors must learn to adapt too. In order to fact check, copy editors must learn how to properly search for facts online. This simple skill allows for the copy editor to easily fact check the copy they are looking at. By doing this it will guarantee accuracy in reporting and help stop sloppy journalism. Copy editors should also know how to edit web pages. Not anything major just how to change the words on the screen in order to make the appropriate changes. This basic knowledge of HTML in needed for the editor to do their job and edit the stories. Another skill needed is the ability to contact the appropriate people. Telephones are still reliable in reaching people but e-mail has quickly become the standard in office communication.
Basic copy editing skills will always be necessary though. Knowledge of grammar, spelling and stylistic rules are important to every copy editor, especially since many writers don't hold these same virtues. Computer software could never replace a person's ability to see and make style changes. Computers don't know how to make copy properly flow and make sense. Computer can't see the forest for the trees, all it cares about is if you spelled Albuquerque properly. Also, the most important skill to every copy editor is their eye. Their eye for mistakes and misinformation and general sloppiness. This eye is not given but developed overtime. The more a copy editor works the faster and better they can spot every mistake. The copy editing eye is the most important aspect and can never be replaced.